For families needing additional hours of care, we offer the following programs for our students:
Before Care Program: For Preschool students (ages 3-6 years) and Toddler students (ages 18 months-3 years) needing an earlier arrival time, we offer the Before Care Program. Students may be brought to the Montessori School for Young Children as early as 7:45 am. The fee for this program is $5.50 per day of enrollment for Preschool students and $6.50 per day of enrollment for Toddler students.
After School Program: For Preschool students (ages 3-6 years) and Toddler students (ages 18 months-3 years) needing a later dismissal time, we offer the After Care Program. Students may stay at the Montessori School for Young Children as late as 5:30 pm. The fee for this program is $8.50 per day of enrollment for Preschool students and $9.50 per day of enrollment for Toddler students.