Dear MSYC Families,

This week, we’ve been working on some exciting technology improvements at MSYC, including the installation of new routers and updated operating systems. While we’re thrilled about these upgrades, we’ve hit a small bump in the road: we’re currently unable to access our Microsoft Office software programs. As a result, this week’s Notes from the Office email will not include a newsletter attachment.  If we have any parents or guardians in our MSYC community who are especially tech-savvy and might be willing to help us troubleshoot this issue, we would be incredibly grateful for your assistance!

Graduation Ceremony Correction:
In last week’s Notes from the Office publication, there was a typo/incomplete sentence in the section intended for families of graduating students. We apologize for the confusion and want to provide the correct details:

We will be hosting a graduation ceremony for our Preschool Program graduates in MSYC’s outdoor classroom on Monday, May 19th at 6:00 p.m. Our backup date in case of poor weather will be Tuesday, May 20th. This special gathering is for our graduating students and their families and will include a time to celebrate with cake and refreshments following the ceremony. If you are the parent/guardian of a graduating student, please watch your email in the coming weeks for additional information about this memorable event!

Save the Date – Fundraiser with Licorice International!
We are excited to announce an upcoming fundraising event in support of our scholarship program! Join us at Licorice International on Saturday, April 12th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at both of their Lincoln locations as we celebrate National Licorice Day together!  They’ll also be supporting us through their online sales!  A portion of the day’s sales will benefit MSYC’s scholarship fund.  We’ve created a Facebook event that we’d love for our community to share, and a flyer with more details is also attached!

Tuition Payment Reminder
We wanted to include a courtesy reminder that a tuition payment is due next week on Tuesday, April 1st!

Miss Kia’s Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-Up:
If your child is in Miss Kia’s class, her parent-teacher conference sign-up is now available! You can view and sign up for a time here.

Take care,

Emily Dutter 
Executive Director